What's the difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com?

What's the difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com?

What's the difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com?

Understanding the Difference: Blogger.com vs. Blogspot.com

Hello fellow bloggers! Today, let's dive into a topic that often causes confusion among newcomers in the blogging world: "What's the difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com?"


Blogger.com is the primary website and blogging platform owned by Google. It provides users with the tools and resources to create and manage their own blogs. When you sign up for a Blogger account, you get access to a range of features, including customizable templates, built-in analytics, and integration with other Google services such as AdSense and Google Analytics.

With Blogger.com, you have the freedom to choose your own domain name (e.g., www.yourblogname.com) or use a free domain provided by Blogger (e.g., yourblogname.blogspot.com). You can also customize the design and layout of your blog to suit your preferences, making it a popular choice for both beginner and experienced bloggers alike.


Blogspot.com, on the other hand, is the domain name structure used by blogs hosted on the Blogger platform. When you create a blog on Blogger.com, your blog's URL will automatically be assigned in the format yourblogname.blogspot.com. This domain is provided free of charge by Blogger and is commonly used by bloggers who prefer not to purchase a custom domain.

While Blogger.com refers to the platform itself, Blogspot.com is simply the domain name used by blogs hosted on that platform. Think of it as the address where your blog resides on the internet. So, when you visit a blog with a URL ending in .blogspot.com, you're essentially accessing a blog hosted on the Blogger platform.

Key Differences:

In summary, the main difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com lies in their roles:

  • Blogger.com: The primary website and platform where users can create and manage their blogs.
  • Blogspot.com: The domain name structure used by blogs hosted on the Blogger platform, provided free of charge by Blogger.

While both terms are often used interchangeably, understanding this distinction can help clarify the relationship between the Blogger platform and the domain names assigned to blogs hosted on that platform.


So there you have it, fellow bloggers! The difference between Blogger.com and Blogspot.com is quite simple once you understand their respective roles. Whether you're using a custom domain or the default Blogspot domain, Blogger remains a powerful and user-friendly platform for sharing your thoughts, ideas, and creativity with the world.

Happy Blogging!

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